Technology Trends that will Revolutionize the Medical Industry in 2021

Leslie Johnson
6 min readMar 8, 2021


The last COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has changed the way the healthcare industry processes. This has transformed the healthcare sector digitally. Healthcare providers have replaced their services with the latest healthcare technology trends on digital and virtual platforms. Every healthcare provider updates their services using digital advances in practice to increase their capacity to engage the maximum number of patients. It needs to be further advanced and updated in order to address many challenges in the industry such as cybersecurity, effective payment models, telehealth, patient experience, invoice and payment processing, and big data.

Years ago, wearable devices in the healthcare industry were quite popular with patients. The tool has helped patients understand a variety of health metrics. With the introduction of the 5G internet, the wearable device market will have a huge reach by 2021. Healthcare technology trends, such as using digital dashboard schedulers or chatbots as digital assistants, help hospitals and other healthcare organizations better track appointments, contacts, demographics, and make change more efficient because this is a practical step to modify and monitor patient activity.

Telemedicine, the use of video conferencing, digital monitoring, etc. are also very useful when spreading the pandemic. This creates health services can be accessed by all the people, especially in rural areas. For remote patient care systems, telehealth and teleradiology reporting is a very important technological upgrade. Healthcare technology trends in 2020, including patient portals, mobile healthcare applications, remote care via telehealth, and wearable devices, have an important role to play in addressing the global pandemic situation. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Automated Process Robotics (RPA) also play an important role in overcoming these situations. All of the above are COVID-19 health technology trends in use in 2020, which are expected to continue in the coming years.

This is a detailed description of health technology trends, which are expected to address new challenges and revolutionize the healthcare industry by 2021.

The digital transformation of the healthcare industry has been accelerated by COVID-19 in 2020. Recognizing healthcare technology trends, many healthcare providers have easily shifted their operations to the latest technology trends. Other people also hope to set up operations according to trends that will come.

It seems that almost all real health care providers want to modify their operating systems to accommodate the maximum number of patients, due to the health technology trends that emerged after the most difficult crisis in the virtual reality healthcare industry. So, before planning your healthcare strategy for 2021, don’t forget to include these 2021 healthcare technology trends to achieve better health outcomes and advance faster than your competitors.

One of the competitive healthcare technology trends in 2021 is patient engagement technology. There are many technologies available in the market for patient engagement, evaluation, and campaigns. Due to the high competition in the market, the tool is of competitive value.

Many healthcare organizations are beginning to strengthen themselves by achieving consistency in patient engagement with the help of tools available in the market. This also helps them achieve increased ROI. Health technology trends, including remote care through telehealth, patient portals, wearable devices, mobile healthcare applications, and more, empower patients and increase patient engagement.

Hospitals and other healthcare organizations need to improve the patient experience along with their involvement. All paths to patient satisfaction and experience could be changed with healthcare technology trends in 2021.

While telemedicine transforms all health technologies by 2020 by playing an important role in containing the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also expected to be a health technology trend in 2021.

Using advances, health professionals can diagnose and treat patients remotely via phone, mobile apps, email, and even via video calls. Telemedicine can provide patients with better access to all health services, speed up efficiency and revenue, and lower healthcare costs.

The advent of AR and VR solutions creates a way to discover important advances in the healthcare industry and technology. The progress that could only be hoped for a decade ago, has become a reality and is being implemented. Both of these healthcare technology trends provide some serious promise for the healthcare world, including patient education prior to treatment procedures.

AR offers one of the newest and spontaneous options in the healthcare industry. AR allows doctors and surgeons to experience 3D effects in real scenes. These healthcare technology trends allow professionals to stay based on real-world procedures with access to all data through a variety of other technologies. This allows physicians to compare data, in the virtual world, to understand what patients are experiencing and make a defect-free diagnosis, and recommend medical procedures.

It is not possible or expensive for patients to seek answers from specialists to routine questions. However, chatbots make it easier and convenient for healthcare providers to answer patient queries effectively. Though chatbots are currently in the experimental stage for use in healthcare solutions, they generally have access to clinical scenarios as early as 2021. It is expected to be an advanced healthcare technology trend in 2021.

As a digital assistant, the chatbot allows healthcare providers to track contacts and appointments and make changes, if necessary. Chatbots will revolutionize clinical and business processes, providing practical as well as clear steps to modify and monitor patient activity.

5G will sweep the world in the coming months. With the incredible bandwidth intensification of 5G, users will be creating a lot of data. With 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT) will be used generally to send and receive data. Over the next three years, the globally viable market is expected to achieve an annual turnover of approximately $ 52 billion. This may be due to the recognition of 5G wireless technology, one of the trends in healthcare technology.

Healthcare providers have access to accurate data as data from wearable devices and other initiatives are added. This will change the way providers collect data and the way doctors and patients communicate.

So, when you plan to update technology in health, 2021, do not forget that you will receive as much data from the patient, who can be referred to one of the health technology trends that are important in the years 2021, macro data and 5G.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of the popular health technology trends of 2021, was developed to mimic human thought processes. The GNS and IBM Watson Health AI systems are the most popular examples of the active use of AI in healthcare processes. These trends will govern the health care process and revolutionize medical care by 2021.

To improve the delivery of care by health professionals and hospitals to patients, Google’s DeepMind has created mobile and AI applications. The AI ​​healthcare market is expected to reach the US $ 7988.8 million in 2022 from the US $ 667.1 million in 2016. This healthcare technology trend is expected to take the healthcare industry into new territories by increasing patient engagement and experience by 2021.

Cloud computing is one of the major healthcare technology trends in 2021 that will change the industry. Due to the recent development of various healthcare technology trends, the cloud computing market is expected to reach the US $ 35 billion in 2022 from the US $ 20.2 billion in 2017.

This incredible growth is due to the need to store a lot of data for healthcare organizations at a lower cost. In the healthcare domain, the main use of big data is in Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Allows secure storage of a variety of digital documentation such as demographics, medical history, diagnoses, and laboratory results. Cloud computing, an important healthcare technology trend, is expected to make the healthcare process run smoothly and flawlessly by 2021.

The biggest trend in 2021 in the healthcare industry is the holistic technological transformation of healthcare companies. Whether AI, ML, RPA, telemedicine, big data, chatbot, or cloud computing, almost everything related to data management and monitoring will begin in 2021. These healthcare technology trends will rule healthcare services in 2021. In addition, carefully targeted and specific to critical illness is expected to be another trend in the coming years.



Leslie Johnson
Leslie Johnson

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